Antivaxxers have gone full cancer quack. This time, they’re peddling “orthomolecular medicine” nonsense in the form of a bad study. Same as it ever was.

Antivaxxers have gone full cancer quack. This time, they’re peddling “orthomolecular medicine” nonsense in the form of a bad study. Same as it ever was.
Myrna Mattaring, a retired scientist who worked in diagnostic labs, claims that COVID-19 vaccines caused a 1432% increase in cancer cases, a clearly impossible claim. Here I make a plea for examining such claims, including a much more famous and accepted one, with basic math.
Antivaxxer Michael Yeadon helped initiate and popularize the myth that COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility. Now he’s turned on ivermectin, the favorite quack cure for COVID-19, and I’m here for it.
William “turbo cancer” Makis has found some trivia about the ancient history of my old stomping grounds ScienceBlogs and is using it to deceptively associate me with Jeffery Epstein. Oh, hell no!
No matter how implausible it is or how weak the evidence for it is, the myth that COVID vaccines cause “turbo cancer” just won’t die. Quite the contrary, alas. Antivaxxers are—dare I say?—turbocharging it with bad science.