The New Yorker published a story reporting that RFK Jr. picked up a bear cub killed by a car and dumped it in Central Park as a joke. WTF? I knew that RFK Jr. and his antivax conspiracy theories were bizarre, but WTF?
Tag: vaccines
Christopher Ruhm, COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine, cross-sectional study, epidemiology, excess deaths, excess mortality, public health, vaccines.
Tech bro turned antivaxxer Steve Kirsch recently suffered a devastating subretinal hemorrhage. While I hope he recovers his vision, antivaxxers are being antivaxxers and blaming his vision loss on vaccines.
Vaccine scientist Stanley Plotkin coauthored a commentary on vaccine postlicensure studies. Antivax lawyer Aaron Siri tries to misrepresent it as an “admission” that vaccines aren’t safe. Predictable.
Steve Kirsch got his hands on COVID-19 vaccination data from the Czech Republic, and bad data analysis ensues. This time, he’s falsely claiming that Moderna vaccines are deadlier than Pfizer vaccines, but that both are deadly.